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The research is clear. Students who exhibit stronger social-emotional skills perform better in school and grow up to be stronger, happier, and more active in their communities.

But talking about SEL and finding those teachable moments are not one in the same. Built by SEL experts for educators, Social-Emotional Learning Language Arts, or SELLA, gives K-6 teachers the project-based concepts, frameworks and tactile resources to easily weave SEL into their existing language arts curriculum.

Research on SELLA showed students who received the SELLA curriculumĀ demonstrated approximately DOUBLE the rate of positive change as compared to the students who did not receive SELLA. Classrooms utilizing SELLA had 1/3 the rate of office referrals as compared to the classrooms who did not utilize SELLA.

Integrating SEL into academic curriculum benefits both the teacher and the students.

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